How to prevent bloating and what is causing it

Feeling bloated is one of the biggest concerns for women, especially when you are aiming to get into a favorite pair of jeans, have to put on a bathing suit or wear a tight fitting dress. Sometimes even the most fit female can have days where you just feel, well, bloated. Knowing what is causing you to feel puffy and have what feels like an expanding tummy can help you prevent these feelings of discomfort. At the first signs of bloating in your stomach it is important to drink a lot of water. Many women believe that drinking more water makes you retain more water, but it’s actually the opposite. Also, take a long hard look at the food you have eaten in the last 24 hours; is there anything that could irritate your stomach, did you eat something difficult to digest, did you drink enough water?


So why do you feel bloated?

Below are a few reasons and tips to keep in mind to help you feel better in no time

1. stop drinking out of a straw. the additional swallowed air is causing you to get gas in your abdomen. opt to drink right from the cup or glass instead

2. cut out chewing gum and swap to mints. chewing gum also causes you to swallow air and cause gas and bloating

3. skip the carbonated drinks. opt for water, unsweetened iced tea or juice but say no to the bubbly drinks

4. eat slower. eating too quickly can cause you to feel bloated and also make it difficult for your body to digest, causing you to look and feel bloated

5. eat smaller meals and avoid very large meals in a short period of time

6. take a daily probiotic to help keep your digestive system on track. a chewable probiotic is a good start in case you don’t want to or like to take pills. (click here)

7. add more fiber to your diet whether bran cereal or leafy greens, you can also add a fiber chew to your regiment like this one (click here)

8. skip the “fake” sugars like Equal or Sweet & Low and use raw sugar or a natural sweetener live Stevia

9. veggies like brocolli and brussel sprouts cause gas and bloating so avoid those if you need to be bloat-free

10. Drink a lot of water to held rid yourself of any water retention that could be confused for bloating

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The writer and creator of - a blog dedicated to inspiring and helping readers to feel and look their very best both inside and out. I love writing, photography, makeup, fashion and fitness.

  1. I am just getting into strength training and clean eating after having my baby. I have never been thin and am still working on a lot of fat loss (I’m more concerned with fat loss/muscle gain than weight loss). Should I be drinking pre/post workouts and protein shakes or will they hinder my fat loss?

  2. Hi, most protein is low in calories and high in protein which is good for you when strength training. avoid adding to many things to your shakes which can add up the calorie count.